Friday, September 22, 2006
Dancing On the Edge Of Time

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Bloody Indian Youth
The hoodlumism on display in
The furious hysterical faces of ABVP activists threatening to wipe the floor with their teachers, wagging fingers and spewing abuse was captured in full close up by television cameras. A policeman standing next to the students shockingly failed to realize that criminal intimidation is a punishable offence and simply looked on.
In another part of
The anti-reservation stir this year was no doubt an example of a powerful youth movement where concerns about the future were certainly legitimate and many sincere young people participated in the debates. Yet alas, here too there seemed to be a sort of tunnel vision on the part of the protestors, a refusal to engage with the realities of social justice, to understand what caste discrimination really means. Instead there was an almost hysterical obsession about "oh god-what’s-going-to-happen-to-me; I'm-going-to-America."
Rang De Basanti is a cult film for today's youth. A film that preaches disrespect, hedonism, and historical forgetfulness and valorizes murder is seen as the great protest film of our time. Glance at any workplace today and you'll find the majority of the workforce made up of feverishly ambitious mercenary young people myopically focused on upward mobility, with empty minds that are also as narrow as their trousers.
Our great hope is that sixty five per cent of our population is under the age of 35, but has
A case in point is the
The utter degradation of student politics was not exactly a hidden truth, but recent farcical election campaigns and violence has given it the necessary scrutiny. Student bodies are meant to represent student’s rights; at least that is what they claim. But when issues of student welfare and the very future of students is in question, all student parties are found wanting. During the recent reservation demonstrations, not one student political outfit came out in open support of the movement. It was left for umbrella groups to raise the concerns and demonstrate their angst.
Despite the fact that one may be critical of student bodies one cannot deny their role in a democracy and especially in a democracy involving young people. So one can also argue that the politics of today is now being reflected in the student version of the same as well. What student leaders see on television screens, with mud slinging and chair throwing, they feel that is what politics stands for!! So in an ironical sense the student leader’s behavior is a creation of the politicians themselves.
One would be happy to see mature and reason based student politics but at the same time it is the job of the ‘big’ politicians to show them the way. Surely, one cannot be critical of students and not of the politicians who are pumping money and absurd notions about politics into these leaders. But with the tragic death of Prof. Sabbarwal there is a clarion call for reforming student politics, who does this – the government, the students, or college administration is debatable, but the time has come to rid ourselves of manufacturing goons and criminals in the name of student empowerment.
This is a generation that outwardly looks more modern than their parents but whose thinking is much more backward. In short they believe in caste, patriarchal family values, do not support women's rights and are overwhelmingly concerned with money and success. When the desire to hit the arc lights outstrips all sense of morality, decency and values then
Sunday, September 10, 2006
The Journey Begins
The first internals are about to start in another couple of weeks, and the major entrance exams are just around the corner. In other words, it's finally study time, and life has become boring. No more outings with friends, no more bunking classes, and no more acts of random insanity that I usually indulge in (like walking all the way to my home; 20kms or so, taking a round trip on the outer mudrika to get my bus pass’ worth, which takes around 4hrs). So, I thought, the best way to spend this time would be to sit at home (or college), and write about my dull and boring life, so that somebody else, with an evidently as dreary life, can sit at home (or college), and read all about it.
Though comments, encouragements, and suggestions are not expected, though all those who are indolent enough to be reading this, the same would be acknowledged, and in some cases appreciated.
With all that cleared, it is time to begin.