Monday, April 07, 2008

The month gone by.......

March materialized to be one of the most fruitful months, in terms of extra-curricular adventures that I enrolled myself into. First of all, I got this internship opportunity under Prof Friedrich Leisch from The R project for Statistical Computing at Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich where the project is related to the use of Finite Mixture Modeling in marketing research to cluster consumers into market segments, for which I am extremely excited about.

Further I got another call to work under Prof Bimal Roy, the current dean of academic affairs at ISI Kolkata to work on Cryptography. These days I am also a reporter for Bulla Scientifique, a monthly science magazine supposed to start from next semester, covering the various research activities at our campus.....and supposed to write an article about the recently concluded Open House 08, so basically I have enough on my plate to gobble...for the next few months atleast.

In the meanwhile the end semester examinations are nearing and it seems I need to mask my love affair with Munich for a couple of weeks, as that is something, which is devouring most of my conscious thoughts.....

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